Monday, October 24, 2005

Just giving this a try

Well, I never thought that I'd enter the "blogosphere", as I thought it was called, but here I am; doing as much now.

Seems that this may be an even easier way to post updates / journals and whatnot.

I plan to set up something so that this will be directly on my website, but in the meantime, this will do.

In the "how to blog" guides that I've come across on Google, they recommend that you have a theme to your blog.

I'm a bit undecided at the moment - guess I should keep something about living in China, something *maybe about doing business in China, and then maybe something about being a total noob in the world of open-source software.

At the moment, I'll just let it run together as a journal.

Peace -

1 comment:

Unknown said...

seeing that logging comments works. That's nice.