Despite a lot of big thoughts to go over in my head over the past 3 weeks + the near financial implosion of the US economy, I feel pretty good at the moment.
Then again, that might be the wine talking.
New music (at least for me) that I'm liking a lot at the moment:
- Me First & the Gimme Gimmes - everything they've done...I had to wikipedia them to get the whole deal; I'm thrilled to know that they are a side project from members of several excellent rock/punk bands. They cover everything and are super fun.
- Rancid "B sides & C sides" - although some of the B-sides aren't stellar, there's enough unique Rancid there to make me very happy...
- Fleet Foxes - Another great Seattle band! Very melodic...
- Kasbian - good enough Brit-rock
- The Verve - although I am listening to their new album, I also am revisiting "Urban Hymns", and like it a lot.