Tuesday, March 18, 2008

time to myself at 7:40???

Home after work, have had dinner & cleaned up - it's 7:40 and as such I have free time left in the evening.


Will probably use this time to study a bit - I'm reviewing to take a PMP exam at some point in the next few months.

Maybe will do a little reading too - I should get back to finishing Neal Stephenson's Quicksilver. I'm ~315 pages into the book so far...(just 600+ more to go).

Maybe can play some games too.

Maybe will get back to working on my book?

We'll see.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Crying nut video!!!

Was thrilled to find this on youtube - I love their music but hadn't really had a chance to ever see their videos.

Very pleased to say that their videos seem just as much fun as their music!

How does one pronounce "sheet"?

Having to try and clarify the difference; and I'm not exactly certified for teaching ESL.

Sheet = "Sh" + "eat"

Shit = "Sh" + "it"

While she knows that people understand her if she's asking for "5 shits of paper", she is a little self-conscious about it. Any suggestions?

Still on the Gaming kick

So yeah, although I could well be talking about anything, I've been recently compelled to write about gaming a lot - I guess that I've often had gaming on my mind for when I have free time to myself.

(This unfortunately, is at the expense of making/playing music - hopefully this is just a temporary setback - but my apartment isn't really conducive to much guitar play & I don't have a band yet)

Anyway - Since we're going semi-chronologically here:

Rise of Nations

- This is an older (2003) game, but I never found a stable copy in China. So, I bought one here last October. It's still a really well-made, fun game; one of my favorite RTS games, period. Not really fun to play at a distance - good on a laptop.

- Although more stable than the sketchy Chinese versions; it still crashes on me fairly frequently, sometimes even when trying to resume a saved game.

Still, the combination of growing your empire, advancing civilization, and attacking invaders/ conquesting more land is a super fun combination.